
    CAEI 2023


    MyselfSomeone else

    Your information


    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Applies to participants from OUI-IOHE member institutions.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Applies to nationals from countries identified by the World Bank.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Applies to nationals from countries identified by the World Bank.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Career-Integrated Global Learning Conference (CIGL) Add-on
    A three-day event designed to bridge applied learning and international education. An opportunity to connect with colleagues, share innovations, best practices and emerging trends to prepare future professionals for the changing world of work.

    Applies to participants registered in CAEI-2023.
    Regular-date 05/11/12. Registration ends 08/11/2023.
    100,000 Strong in the Americas Capacity Building Workshop
    Join the 100K team at Partners of the Americas, representatives of the U.S. Department of State, and past 100K grant recipients for this dynamic capacity building opportunity, where participants will learn effective practices for expanding international student mobility, building effective institutional partnerships, and competing successfully for 100K grant resources.

    Open to participants registered in CAEI-2023.
    Limited capacity.
    100,000 Strong in the Americas Capacity Building Workshop
    Join the 100K team at Partners of the Americas, representatives of the U.S. Department of State, and past 100K grant recipients for this dynamic capacity building opportunity, where participants will learn effective practices for expanding international student mobility, building effective institutional partnerships, and competing successfully for 100K grant resources.

    Open to participants registered in CAEI-2023.
    Limited capacity.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Applies to a group from OUI-IOHE member institutions.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Applies to a group from an institution in a country so identified by the World Bank.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Career-Integrated Global Learning Conference (CIGL) Add-on
    A three-day event designed to bridge applied learning and international education. An opportunity to connect with colleagues, share innovations, best practices and emerging trends to prepare future professionals for the changing world of work.

    Individual registration. Does not apply automatically to every member of a group.
    Applies to participants registered in CAEI-2023.

    Regular-date 05/11/12. Registration ends 08/11/2023.
    100,000 Strong in the Americas Capacity Building Workshop
    Join the 100K team at Partners of the Americas, representatives of the U.S. Department of State, and past 100K grant recipients for this dynamic capacity building opportunity, where participants will learn effective practices for expanding international student mobility, building effective institutional partnerships, and competing successfully for 100K grant resources.

    Individual registration. Does not apply automatically to every member of a group.
    Open to participants registered in CAEI-2023.

    Limited capacity.
    100,000 Strong in the Americas Capacity Building Workshop
    Join the 100K team at Partners of the Americas, representatives of the U.S. Department of State, and past 100K grant recipients for this dynamic capacity building opportunity, where participants will learn effective practices for expanding international student mobility, building effective institutional partnerships, and competing successfully for 100K grant resources.

    Individual registration. Does not apply automatically to every member of a group.
    Open to participants registered in CAEI-2023.

    Limited capacity.
    Applies to a group coordinated by one institution, association or organization.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Applies to a group coordinated by an OUI-IOHE member institution, association or organization.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Applies to a group coordinated by one institution, association or organization from a country so identified by the World Bank.
    Regular-date 05/11/12
    Career-Integrated Global Learning Conference (CIGL) Add-on
    A three-day event designed to bridge applied learning and international education. An opportunity to connect with colleagues, share innovations, best practices and emerging trends to prepare future professionals for the changing world of work.

    Individual registration. Does not apply automatically to every member of a group.
    Applies to participants registered in CAEI-2023.

    Regular-date 05/11/12. Registration ends 08/11/2023.
    100,000 Strong in the Americas Capacity Building Workshop
    Join the 100K team at Partners of the Americas, representatives of the U.S. Department of State, and past 100K grant recipients for this dynamic capacity building opportunity, where participants will learn effective practices for expanding international student mobility, building effective institutional partnerships, and competing successfully for 100K grant resources.

    Individual registration. Does not apply automatically to every member of a group.
    Open to participants registered in CAEI-2023.

    Limited capacity.
    100,000 Strong in the Americas Capacity Building Workshop
    Join the 100K team at Partners of the Americas, representatives of the U.S. Department of State, and past 100K grant recipients for this dynamic capacity building opportunity, where participants will learn effective practices for expanding international student mobility, building effective institutional partnerships, and competing successfully for 100K grant resources.

    Individual registration. Does not apply automatically to every member of a group.
    Open to participants registered in CAEI-2023.

    Limited capacity.

    Participants information

    With your registration:

    • you agree to be included in the conference directory which will not be distributed among non-registrants or used for mass mailings. Any violation of this policy will be taken into consideration.
    • Acknowledge that any photographs or video footage captured during the event may be used by CAEI for promotional purposes.
    • Agree not to schedule or organize any events or gatherings during CAEI’s plenaries, panels, sessions, receptions or ceremonies

    Email [email protected]. for questions or concerns.

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