CAEI Chile 2021: Launch webinar

The Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE) is launching the 2021 Webinar series to spark the discussions and animate the debates towards this year’s (virtual) gathering.

We invite the various key players, leaders and professionals involved in the internationalization of higher education in the Americas and beyond to be a part of CAEI Chile-2021 and together, “Chart the Future”.

During this first webinar representatives from Chile’s Ministry of Education and the President of the National Committee, as hosts of CAEI Chile-2021, will address a welcome message while CAIE authorities will present the event and its main features.

The Future of Work: Perspectives for Technical and Professional Education

In this session, the panelists will outline the current state and evolution of the work environment and the nature of work. During the discussion, we will look at the effects on technical and professional training and the actions being implemented to respond and adapt to these changes. The first take on a conversation that we will be picking up in October, during the virtual CAEI.

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Covid-19 and higher education: breaking down challenges and maximizing opportunities.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented disruptions in every aspect of our lives and higher education in particular. It created new challenges but also exposed and highlighted already existing ones. At the same time, it has emphasized the importance of higher education and underlined the value of academic and research collaboration at the global scale.

Drawing from the preliminary results of two surveys carried out by IAU and IAUP on the impact of Covid-19 on higher education around the world, distinguished speakers from 4 different continents will outline some of the main challenges and discuss ways to overcome and maximize the opportunities created by the pandemic.

Higher education in Chile: definitions, developments and experiences in international collaboration

The panelists will share with all participants the outlook for Chilean higher education, recent developments and innovations that have strengthen the System and its contributions towards the development of international collaborations. The successful story of international scientific collaboration that made possible the vaccine for COVID-19 in Chile will be presented.