CAIE provides a unique opportunity for decision makers and professionals in the field of international education to exchange and examine current paradigms, emerging trends, shared challenges, alternative models and public policies related to this sector while prompting meaningful contacts and institutional collaboration.


The CAIE Colombia-2019 conference subthemes are:

– Research and Knowledge Transfer: Innovation for Development
– Redesigning Higher Education: Learning for Innovation
– International Partnerships: Platform for Sustainability
– Social Synergies: Sustainability, Equity and Inclusion

To find out more about the conference subthemes, please click here.

– Sessions should last 60 minutes
– Including a Q&A / discussion period
– Minimum of three speakers, where one may also act as a moderator or else, a panel of three speakers and a moderator without a presentation.

It is possible to submit individual proposals. However, any proposal that does not account three confirmed (and duly registered) speakers may be merged with other approved proposals on a related topic.
The accepted proposals, including the merged parallel sessions, will be posted on our online program.
Speakers shall split the allotted time equally among the merged proposals (i.e. one session with two speakers and a second session with one speaker must be given equal time) and consider a 15-minute period for Q&A / discussion.
The organizing Committee advises all presenters to use their time to deliver their presentation and avoid including institutional information or corporate references that may distract from their intervention.

Block 1:

  1. Una Misión Emprendedora: Creando ecosistemas de innovación y transferencia para el desarrollo regional. (Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3)
  2. International Alliances : Advancing Societal Development for a Sustainable Future. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  3. Comprehensive Engagement to Internationalization: The Case of West Virginia University. (Presentation)
  4. Estrategias para el Desarrollo de Proyectos Locales e Internacionales en Ciencias de la Salud: Un Enfoque Colaborativo e Interdisciplinario de la Investigación y la Enseñanza.(Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3)
  5. Using Rankings Information Strategically (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  6. Creating Regional Innovative and Sustainable Higher Education Partnerships in the Americas.
  7. REALCE, Red de colaboración en Conocimiento, Educación e Innovación. (Presentation)
  8. La Agenda de Educación Superior en las Américas. Una Mesa Redonda con los dirigentes de ASCUN, ANUIES, CIN, CRUB y CRUCH. (Presentation)
  9. Learning for Innovation through Inclusion and Respect.

Download here the programming of the parallel sessions for October 23, 11h00

Block 2:

  1. Canada: Your Partner in Education.
  2. Modelo teórico y herramientas metodológicas  para la internacionalización del currículo. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  3. Accelerating Talents: Collaborative Strategies of the City of Montreal. (Presentation)
  4. Construyendo Alianzas Estratégicas Interregionales: Las propuestas de FAP-ALCUE y CONAHEC. (Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4, Presentation 5)
  5. Plataforma para Evaluar el Compromiso de las Universidades con los Objetivos de Desarollo Sostenible. (Presentation)
  6. Innovación Social, Compromiso y Sinergia en una Universidad Multicampus. (Presentation)
  7. Políticas Públicas y Aseguramiento de la Calidad: Canadá, Argentina y Chile. (Presentation)
  8. Higher Education and its incidence on Equity, Inclusion and Justice. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)

Download here the programming of the parallel sessions for October 23, 15h30

Block 1:

  1. Leaders in Action: Celebrating 10 Years of ELAP. (Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3)
  2. English and Internationalization: Successful Partnerships bridging Canada and Latin America. (Presentation)
  3. Diálogos para el Desarrollo: Iniciativas Interdisciplinarias y la Contribución de los Territorios. (Presentation)
  4. Strategic Partnerships for Knowledge and Innovation Hubs:  Examples from North America.
  5. Internacionalización en el Caribe: Un Mar de Oportunidades. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  6. Sistema Académico Integrado en Universidades Multicampus, en el marco de la pertinencia, la calidad y la innovación. (Presentation)
  7. La Universidad Católica de Colombia: Equidad y Responsabilidad Social.
  8. Impacto de la Educación Superior y la Internacionalización Inclusiva. Estrategias y Buenas Prácticas. (Presentation)

Download here the programming of the parallel sessions for October 24, 11h00

Block 2:

  1. International Partnerships within the Pacific Alliance: Building Sustainable Capacity in the Extractive Industries.
  2. Flipping it Sideways: A Co-Construction of Horizontal International Partnerships. (Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3)
  3. Platforms for Sustainable International Cooperation: Good Practices from Colombia and Quebec. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  4. La Universidad: articuladora de alianzas intersectoriales para el desarrollo humano y sostenible de la región.
  5. Student-led Internationalization: New Approaches from Brazil and Switzerland. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  6. Educación transformadora para el fomento de la mentalidad emprendedora del siglo XXI: organizaciones orientadas a un propósito y gestión humanística. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  7. Impacto y sociedad: Innovación centrada en la apropiación social del conocimiento. (Presentation)
  8. Crear sinergias para el desarrollo regional sostenible a través de la colaboración institucional. (Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3)

Download here the programming of the parallel sessions for October 24, 11h00

  1. Bilan et perspectives de la Conférence des Recteurs latino-américains (CRULA) membres du réseau mondial de l’Agence universitaires de la Francophonie. (Presentation)
  2. English and Internationalization: Successful Partnerships bridging Canada and Latin America.
  3. International Initiatives through European Collaboration: The case of RIESAL and INNOVAT.
  4. Alianzas Internacionales: Modelos de Colaboración y Estrategias de Éxito. (Presentation 1 & Presentation 2)
  5. Strategies and practices in innovation in the higher education sector of China. (Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4)
  6. Diseñando Instituciones para la Innovación, la Cooperación y la Sustentabilidad: Casos de Brasil, Canadá y México. (Presentation 1, Presenation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4)
  7. La UMNG: Responsabilidad Social y Compromiso Comunitario.
  8. Polos de Conocimiento e Innovación: Sinergias para el Desarrollo de Colombia 2019.
  9. Liderazgo de la Transformación Digital de las Universidades. (Presentation)

Download here the programming of the parallel sessions for October 25, 11h00